Who We Are
Fox Run Music Studios was born out of a desire to learn and a deep passion for music. Growing up I was always involved in the world of music performance. Whether singing, playing the piano my Grandmother bought for my family when I was five, or playing the sax throughout every group I could think of joining in high school, music has always been a major part of my life. In my adult years I started to take an interest in recording my own songs and started to delve into the complicated world of music production. Realizing just how much work and knowledge went into putting a single song on an album or on the radio was a huge barrier and shock to the system for me. It wasn’t until much later that I gained the confidence to really try and learn this stuff for myself. It was out of that barrier that Fox Run Music Studios was born. I want to remove that barrier for absolutely anybody with a song in their heart who wants to see their dreams and what they hear in their head come to life.
What’s In A Name?
The name Fox Run comes from the name of the street of the daycare I went to when I was a child. It holds a special place in my heart as the location of so many happy memories with friends. As a teenager I started writing songs in a black leather binder about hopeless crushes, tiny tragedies, and anything I could think of. I was going to be a star! Unfortunately, my name didn’t exactly scream “Headliner!!!” so after watching the movie August Rush, I decided that I also needed a new stage name. It was very quickly that I came up with the name Fox Run. I even made my own ridiculous signature that I practiced for all the autographs I would inevitably have to sign! Though the superstardom wasn’t to be, the name always stuck in my heart. I’m very grateful to be able to use it now in a way to bring music to the world for anyone who is a dreamer like me.